Thursday, April 17, 2014

it's gonna be okay.

I've always had a journal for as long as I could remember. I was that nerd kid that would rather get a hardcover journal for Christmas, rather than the new All American Girl doll. Since moving to London, I fell out of the habit of jotting down my daily thoughts - partly because I was too busy keeping up with school and partly because I thought writing my blog would suffice. But months passed and it just wasn't enough. I needed a place where I could put pen to paper and just write. I'm picky with journals, but I knew this was the journal the minute I saw it. I love the reassuring (and quirky) quotes that come on every other page. I picked out some of my favourites and am already looking forward to filling the blank pages up with rambles. 

Are you a person that keeps a journal? 

With love, Daphne x

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