Monday, March 31, 2014

remember, turn left

'remember, turn left' is a reminder to myself that when nothing goes right, turn left. The logic is so simple, but more often than not, I end up being stuck. 

Although I love writing about beauty, the writer in me has been itching to type up something more. I didn't want 'subgenre of a dream' to wander away too much from the beauty centric blog so I decided to start a new chapter in my little corner of the internet. 'remember, turn left' is more of a place where I ramble my thoughts every now and then. For now, there won't be a schedule to these posts, nor will there be any guarantee that the words will make sense, but there are things going on and I need an outlet. Basically, in a nutshell, 'remember, turn left' will be a blog where you can get a glimpse of the mess that's my brain and a peek into my everyday life.

With love, Daphne x


  1. Good for you Daphne ! I have always felt the same way, that although I love writing about beauty and fashion, I do have some broader and maybe deeper thoughts that I would love to share with the world. Glad you got the courage to branch out !

    1. Thank you, Madeline! You were also one of my first readers on subgenre as well! I'd love to know if you start another personal blog x

  2. Yay, that's awesome that you are trying something new with blogging! I look forward to your posts! I totally thought the blog name was a reference to Doctor Who <-- I'm such a geek, but regardless I love your explanation behind it!

    Tasha // shiwashiful.

    1. Haha! Your comment legit made me lol. I'm not going to lie, there is also a doctor who reference behind it! Just thought I'd calm the geek for the first post! :P

    2. Haha, yaaaay whovians unite! Can't wait for the geeky posts ;)

      Tasha // shiwashiful.

    3. I'm sure there will be a massive amount of those popping up some time soon! x

  3. Cannot wait to read your posts.

  4. I really like your thought behind the "turn left" thought. It's something I think everybody seems to realise at some point!
    Lauren | OhHay Blogs!
